Over the past years, Europe and especially Southern European Countries have faced the largest flow of refugees and immigrants in their recent history.
No one can ignore the social controversies, the policy inadequacies and the tragedies that accompany migration as well as the precarious life immigrants and refugees of all ages and both genders are forced to endure.
In this context, the third Migration Summer School: Moving Beyond Crisis? From exclusion to integration of migrants and refugees in Europe has been carefully designed and developed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of issues regarding the integration of immigrants and refugees in Europe.
A week-long program in English that provides an overview of the developments and challenges faced by migrants and refugees, in relation to social exclusion and integration in Europe as well as in the host communities. Open for Practitioners, NGO Professionals, Researchers & Post-Graduate Students of all disciplines (i.e. Sociology, Social Policy, International Relations, Human Rights, and Economics et al.) with two days of on-Site Visits to Reception Facilities & NGOs in Athens.
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