Stefano Battini (born 1966) is Full Professor of Administrative Law at the University of La Tuscia (Viterbo, Italy) and at the Italian national center for the superior education of the staff of the economic and financial administration (Scuola superiore dell’Economia e delle Finanze).
He is member of the European Group of Public Law (EGPL) of the Istituto per le ricerche sulle pubbliche amministrazioni (Irpa) of the steering committee of the Italian Revue of Public Law (Rivista trimetrale di diritto pubblico) and of the committee for the organization of the annual Global Administrative Law Seminar in Viterbo.
He has been clerk assistant at the Italian Constitutional Court (2008 – 2011).
He has been visiting professor at SciencesPo, Paris (2008) and at Universidad de Buenos Aires (2012). He graduated (cum laude) in 1991 and has been awarded a PhD in 1996. He began his academic career in the University of Urbino, where he taught public law and administrative law from 1994 to 2004.
His publications include monographs (Il rapporto di lavoro con le pubbliche amministrazioni, Padova, Cedam, 2000; Amministrazioni senza Stato. Profili di diritto amministrativo internazionale, Milano, Giuffré, 2003; Amministrazioni nazionali e controversie globali, Milano Giuffré, 2007) as well as many essays and volumes in various subject matters such as global and european administrative law, the law of civil service, administrative procedure, the regulation of public services (among the most recent and representative: Il principio di separazione fra politica e amministrazione in Italia, in Rivista trimestrale di diritto pubblico, n. 1/2012, pp. 39-79; Extraterritoriality: an Unexceptional Exception, in G. Anthony, J. B. Auby, J. Morison, T. Zwart (edited by) Values in Global Administrative Law, Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2011; The Procedural Side of Legal Globalization: The Case of the World Heritage Convention, in International Journal of Constitutional Law, 2011, 9: 340-368; The Crab of Chuan-tzu: the Regulation of Italian Administrative Procedures in a Global and Comparative Perspective, in Sabino Cassese, Veith Mehde, Carol Harlow, Pascale Gonod, Vasco Pereira da Silva, Stefano Battini, Gerdy Jurgens, David Duarte, Functions and Purposesod the Administrative Procedure: New Problems and New Solutions, Institute for Legal and Political Sciences, Lisbon, 2011; Le due anime del diritto amministrativo globale, in Il diritto amministrativo oltre i confini, Milano, Giuffré, 2008; The Globalization of Public Law, in European Review of Public Law, vol. 18, no 1, spring 2006; International Organizations and Private Subjects: A Move toward a Global Administrative Law?, IILJ Working Paper 2005/3, New York University School of Law).
He has been speaker at many conferences, both national and international, including, among the most recent, at the Universidad de Buenos Aires (2012) at the University of Lisbon and Paris Nanterre (2011) at the New York University School of Law (2010) at SciencesPo (2008) at the Universidad de Alcalà (2007).