Paolo Cirielli has been working as a lawyer at the Italian Electricity and Gas Regulatory Authority (AEEG) Legislation and Legal Counsel Department, since 2006, taking part as an expert official at the Technical Assistance and Information Exchange (TAIEX) programme, managed by the Directorate-General Enlargement of the European Commission, between AEEG and the National Electricity Regulatory Commission of Ukraine (NERC) since 2011. He is Fellow of the Institute for Research on Public Administration (IRPA) and member of the Italian Society of Law and Economics (SIDE-ISLE).
After graduating in Law cum laude in 2001 with a thesis in administrative law on the telecommunications market liberalization and the tender process for UMTS licenses, he received a M.Sc. in Law and Economics from the University of Siena, Faculty of Economics “Richard M. Goodwin”, in 2003 before going on to gain a Ph.D. in Law and Economics in 2010, from the same institution, defending a thesis on the Open Method of Coordination in the European Union. Admitted to the Italian Bar in 2004, he spent a six-month period of in-service training at the Italian Antitrust Authority. He also obtained an Intensive International Master of Laws (I.I.Ll.M.) in European Public Law from the European Public Law Academy in Athens, Greece, in 2006.
His research is focused on issues of European governance, public utility regulation, particularly in the energy sector, and global administrative law .His recent publications include: “Benessere dei cittadini, malessere dello Stato: le riforme incompiute del welfare”, in Aa.Vv., L’insegnamento in pubblico. Gli scritti giornalistici di Sabino Cassese, Milano, Giuffrè, 2010, p. 217 ss.; “La parabola discendente del metodo aperto di coordinamento”, in L. Ammannati e P. Bilancia (a cura di) Governance dell’economia e integrazione europea. Volume II. Governance multilivello, regolazione e reti, Milano, Giuffrè, 2008, p. 201 ss.; “L’armonizzazione tecnica nello spazio giuridico globale”, in Rivista trimestrale di diritto pubblico, 2008, , n. 2, p. 415 ss.; “La completa liberalizzazione dei mercati energetici”, in Giornale di diritto amministrativo, n. 3/2008; “Il partenariato energetico euromediterraneo”, in Rivista di studi politici internazionali – Nuova serie, Firenze, n. 1/2006; “La trasmissione dell’energia elettrica in Italia”, Milano, Ipsoa, 2005.