An Initiative of the Giuffrè Review
The annual Review “Concorrenza e Mercato” (edited by Giuffrè), which published its last issue on September 2012, has launched a Call for papers on “The evolution of the public enforcement of competition law“.
Due to many requests asking for an extension, the deadline for submitting papers to be published in 2013 issue of «Concorrenza e mercato» has been postponed to January 31, 2013.
No further deadline extension will be performed, so please make sure that you submit your
contribution before this new deadline.
In any case, the Review will take into account, for publication, also other papers related to law, economics, competition and regulation, even different from the subject of the present Call for papers.
The complete CfP is available here.
For further information, please visit the dedicated website (here).
The Directors
Gustavo Ghidini, Piergaetano Marchetti, Marcello Clarich e Fabiana Di Porto