Dear Friends,
the Italian annual journal “Concorrenza e mercato” (Giuffrè Publ.) invites submission of full papers for publication in the next issue. Contributions are invited on the topic:
“Beyond the crisis: regulation, competition and State aids in the financial and banking sectors“.
Completed papers should be submitted by April 15, 2017.
The Journal also welcomes, by the same deadline, contributions on competition law and economics dealing with issues other than that above mentioned.
For further information: http://dream.luiss.it/osservatori-laboratori/opicc/concorrenza-e-mercato/.
We kindly ask you to circulate the attached call forpapers and leaflet.
Thank you in advance for your attention.
With the best regards,
The Directors
(Gustavo Ghidini, Piergaetano Marchetti, Marcello Clarich and Fabiana Di Porto)