The article examines the legislative activity performed by the executive branch, with regard to Italy. The analysis focuses on two forms of law-making government. The first includes cases in which the Government has adopted substantive laws, such as acts having the force of law, or plays a key role in producing laws. The second refers to cases in which the Government, in its law-making activity, can invade the jurisdiction of other State powers or affect their exercise. The overall framework reveals a truly excessive power on the part of the executive: emergency measures — such as law decrees — are being transformed into ordinary measures, with an ever-decreasing role of the Parliament. This trend was already occurring in past legislatures, but is now significantly evident also due to the pandemic. Parliament must therefore play a more central role, improving its efficiency and procedures. In conclusion, the article suggests possible remedies against the imbalance of the Italian situation, in which Government has become the legislator.
The Law-Making Government
By Lorenzo Casini