Symposium – Conflict of interests: problems and perspectives for administrative law

By Sveva Del Gatto, Hilde Caroli Casavola, Maria Stefania de Rosa, Andrea Renzi and Patrizio Rubechini

Sveva Del Gatto, Hilde Caroli Casavola, Maria Stefania de Rosa, Andrea Renzi and Patrizio Rubechini discuss the issue of conflicts of interest, analysing the main questions that arise, in this regard, for public administrations. Sveva Del Gatto questions the relationship between conflicts of interest and the principle of good administration in the Italian legal system, reconstructing the evolution of the legislation on the subject and carrying out a comparison with other legal systems in which the culture of public ethics is more widespread. Hilde Caroli Casavola considers the main evidence that has emerged from the empirical examination in an attempt to identify the most recurrent characteristics of cases of doubtful conflict of interest. Mariastefania De Rosa analyses conflicts of interest at the end of the civil service employment and, in particular, the boundaries of the application of the ban on pantouflage, a ban introduced to prevent corruption. Andrea Renzi examines the relationship between conflicts of interest and student-teacher interactions, dwelling on the definition of the student-teacher relationship and reconstructing the legislation and evolution in case law. Patrizio Rubechini analyses the evolution of the domestic and European law on whistleblowing, in an attempt to trace its essential contours and main problematic aspects within the public sector.