Alternative Regulatory Techniques: State of the Art and Future Prospects

By Maria Giusti

This contribution explores alternative regulatory techniques. The term «regulation» is used broadly to include rules adopted by all public entities, regardless of their content or the relationships they govern. The techniques under consideration — sunset clauses, experimental regulation and regulatory sandboxes — are suitable for extensive application in both subjective and objective terms. They transcend the traditional view of regulation as a tool that governs established situations and interests at the end of a cycle. Instead, these techniques promote flexibility, responsiveness to change, and an evidence-based, dynamic learning approach. This article analyses whether and to what extent the use of the aforementioned instruments can address some contemporary regulatory challenges. For example, it investigates whether these tools can effectively manage complex and disruptive technological innovation. Additionally, the contribution seeks to identify the limitations of alternative regulatory techniques, evaluating whether their use might exacerbate existing issues or introduce new problems.