Issue no. 4 - 2013 October / December


Constitutionalism and Crisis of the Nation-State

This article analyzes the notions of constitutionalism and globalization to verify the hold of the theoretical foundations of constitutionalism in the global space. The study enables the Author to transcend the traditional idea of constitution (defined as «holistic») and to identify «islands of legality» and «fragments of constitution» in the global legal space. In this

Italian Film Censorship, between Constitutional Values and Judicial Review

The reform of the Italian legislation on film censorship was implemented fifty years ago. It is now possible to evaluate its existence with the support of adequate practical experience. In this perspective, the article seeks to identify the reform’s most important substantive and procedural issues, relating them to the establishment of administrative courts’ full jurisdiction


Hyper-regulation and bureaucratization of the Italian Academic System

The extremely rapid pace of the regulatory innovations on matters concerning universities makes it difficult to properly systematize the relevant principles, rules and regulations. There are, however, a number of problems with its development. This study discusses two of these problems: hyper-regulation and bureaucratization. We will provide data showing the extent of each of these


2012 EU Chronicles

The 2012 European Chronicles open with a brief summary of the major events of the year (in particular, the signature of the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union and of the Treaty establishing the European Stability Mechanism – ESM). The European Chronicles then analyze the Union’s main political guidelines,

Constitutional Law Books 2011-2012

La rassegna dà conto della produzione scientifica costituzionalistica delle due annate 2011 e 2012

Administrative Law Books 2011-2012

La rassegna fa il punto sui libri di diritto amministrativo pubblicati nel biennio 2011-12.


In Memory of Eduardo García de Enterría

Book Review

Sabino Cassese, Bruno Carotti, Lorenzo Casini, Eleonora Cavalieri e Euan MacDonald (ed. by), Global Administrative Law: The Casebook, III ed., Rome-Edinburgh-New York, Irpa-Iilj, 2012 (recensione di Stefano Battini)
Giuseppe Di Gaspare, Teoria e critica della globalizzazione finanziaria. Dinamiche del potere finanziario e crisi sistemiche, Padova, Cedam, 2012 (recensione di Marco D’Alberti)
Wolfgang Hoffmann-Riem, Eberhard Schmidt-Aßmann e Andreas Voßkuhle (hrsg.), Grundlagen des Verwaltungsrechts, vol. I, Methoden, Maßstäbe, Aufgaben, Organisation, II ed., München, C.H. Beck, 2012 (recensione di Luca De Lucia)
Wolfgang Hoffmann-Riem, Eberhard Schmidt-Aßmann e Andreas Voßkuhle (hrsg.), Grundlagen des Verwaltungsrechts, vol. II, Informationsordnung, Verwaltungsverfahren, Handlungsformen, II ed., München, C.H. Beck, 2012 (recensione di Luca De Lucia)
Fabio Giglioni, Governare per differenza. Metodi europei di coordinamento, Pisa, Edizioni ETS, 2012 (recensione di Giulio Vesperini)
Petr Kopecký, Peter Mair e Maria Spirova, Party Patronage and Party Government in European Democracies, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012 (recensione di Stefano Battini)
Fabrizio Di Mascio, Partiti e Stato in Italia, Bologna, il Mulino, 2012 (recensione di Stefano Battini)
Carlos Vidal Prado, El sistema electoral alemán y su posible implantación en España, Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch, 2012 (recensione di Marco Olivetti)

News and Recent Events

The IX Viterbo Global Administrative Seminar (Marta Infantino)
The Annual Report on the Execution of ECHR Judgments (Marco Pacini)
European Law Limits over Domestic Administrative Law (Lorenzo Carbonara)
The Uneasy Path Toward a More Sustainable Development (Marco Pacini)
A New Journal on Academic Research Policy and Evaluation (Giulio Vesperini)
A Ministerial Study for the Enhancement of Cultural Heritage in Italy (Eleonora Cavalieri)