Under the scientific responsibility of Prof. Aldo Sandulli, the Hercule III BETKOSOL (Better Knowledge for Better Solutions) project, funded by the European Commission (Grant Agreement Number 101015421) and based at LUISS Guido Carli, aims to investigate the limits and perspectives improving the current regulatory framework to combat fraud affecting the financial interests of the EU. In particular, the sectors taken into consideration are those of social, health and economy. The research also takes into account how the Covid-19 crisis is affecting the status quo on the matter.
Deliverable 4 (D4) has just been published, entitled “Databook” and written by Aldo Sandulli, Alessandro Nato, Valerio Bontempi, Maciej Serowaniec, Jagoda Jaskulska, Wojciech Morawski, Alexander De Becker, Eva Rulands, Rossella Sabia, Emanuele Birritteri, Elisabetta Tatì.
The deliverable D4 aims to study the practices of the institutions of the Member States and of the European institutions through empirical research. Furthermore, this empirical research also concerns some relevant target groups for understanding what perception of the protection of financial interest is present in civil society. For data collection, this empirical research involves both the qualitative and the quantitative method. The deliverable D4 contains the data and the elaborated results of the interviews conducted with the subjects identified through the previous research conducted in deliverable 1 (D1) and deliverable 2 (D2).
The deliverable D4 is divided into three sections, which will be mutually interrelated.
Section I contains the detailed explanation of the methodology followed for the implementation of the different phases of the empirical research.
Section II focuses on qualitative interviews. This section is divided into five paragraphs, one dedicated to European institutions and one paragraph for each Member State at the center of empirical research: Italy, Poland, Belgium, and Germany. This section reports the results of both the qualitative interviews carried out with the institutions and those with the target groups.
Section III is focused on quantitative interviews. In fact, this section is dedicated to the results of the interviews conducted with the students at the universities selected in the Member States covered by the BETKOSOL research: Italy, Poland, Belgium, and Germany.
The complete text of Deliverable 4 is available HERE.