2023: Separation of Powers in the Global Arena. Promises and Betrayals

NYU Jean Monnet- IRPA Working papers


Sono stati pubblicati nella serie NYU Jean Monnet-Irpa Working Papers i contributi presentati in occasione del seminario su ‘Separation of Powers in the Global Arena. Promises and Betrayals’, organizzato da Sabino Cassese e Elisabetta Morlino, e tenutosi presso la LUISS Guido Carli il 12 dicembre 2022, con la partecipazione dell’Irpa e del Centro Bachelet.


1) Sabino Cassese, Elisabetta Morlino, The Separation of Powers in the Global Arena. Promises and Betrayals.


2) Pasquale Pasquino, The Separation of Powers. Prologue in the 18th century: from Montesquieu to Madison


3) Noah A. RosenblumThe Missing Montesquieu. History and Fetishism in the New Separation of Powers Formalism


4) Jan KlabbersOf Cheques and Balances: Separation of Powers in International Organizations Law


5) Marta SimonciniThe separation of powers and the administrative branch in the European Union


6) Zoltán Szente and Wojciech BrzozowskiThe Dismantling of Power-Sharing in Hungary and Poland – Two Boards to the Same Destination?


7) Elisabetta LamarqueFollowing in the footsteps of Ginsburg & Versteeg. The bound executive during the pandemic: Italy as a case study.